Mr. Shpend Ahmeti held a lecture for the students of the ISPE College

Shpend Ahmeti Kolegji ISPE

Shpend Ahmeti at the ISPE College

Today, at the ISPE College was present the candidate for the major of the Municipality of Pristina from the Party of Vetëvendosje Mr. Ahmeti, who was invited to deliver a lecture for the ISPE Students.

In this lecture, Mr. Ahmeti paid a particular attention to the continuation of his projects and commitments for the second term of the local governance with the capital of Kosovo. Mr. Ahmeti, also talked about the challenges of the four year mandate being mostly focused on the big reforms they have done for the well – functioning of the municipality in the previous mandate 2013-2017.

Mr. Ahmeti also talked about the main targets and the priorities for the next governmental mandate where the most importants he noted the cleaning, parking places, green spaces, parks maintainings, social equility, etc.

Mr. Shpend Ahmeti’s lecture was followed with great interest by the students of the ISPE College, who at the end used the opportunity to ask questions.

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