Economics Programme (EK)

Profile and Organization of the program: Economics

Economics Program within the ISPE College aims to prepare students in the fields of economics and marketing.Students will first be introduced to the principles and basic knowledge in the field of economy continuing further with the deepening of knowledge in other subjects relevant to this area.

ISPE College has designed a curriculum that is in full compliance with the requirements of the labour market.The future economists have to know the European Economic system and all other policies and following processes in order to be able to serve in the most professional manner in their work place.

Volume and duration of study

The first year is general and in the third year, last semester students choose one of the two areas of Economics Program.

The areas of this program include:

  • Banking, Finance, Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Management and Informatics
  • Economics

Bachelor Studies of Economics Faculty program last three years, i.e. six semesters and the total number required of ECTS is 180.

Years of study: 3 years

Semesters: 6 semesters

Credit: 1 semester = 30 ECTS

Total: 180 ECTS

After graduating the student receives the academic title of Bachelor of Economics and is equipped with a university degree.