Integrated European Studies (SIE)

Profile and Organization of the study program: Integrated European Studies

Bachelor Program for Integrated European Studies is an interdisciplinary program which consists of four integrated profiles in one direction. Profiles within this program belong to political profile, economic, legal and general culture which are together taught during three years of study. This program is designed in such a way that in each semester students will have a course from each of the above profiles.

Because the field of European Studies in Kosovo is a fairly new field of study, ISPE College as one of the first to develop this program, has created a curriculum quite sophisticated and structured for students.

Modules of this program from all profiles are organized and divided in semesters to study a continuity of policies and developments in the European Union ranging from history and main institutions of the European Union, Internal Market of the European Union, Fundamental Freedoms, the Communication in EU, to deepen and widen the field of study on the Law of the European Union, and Economic analysis of structural funds.

The purpose and perspective of the study program

The European Community and European Union policies have a tremendous impact on current practice and future professional students across Europe. Europe is becoming even more connected and united which implies the need for qualified and capable people of contributing to this process. This does not mean that we are dealing only with institutions of the European Union but also need to focus on processes and social analyzes, economic and cultural life of the EU and therefore the goal of this program coincide precisely with these policies and developments.

Students of this program will develop critical thinking and analytical skills for events and processes within this context and will contribute more to these processes for the benefit of Kosovo.

Integrated Programme for European Studies is the academic program that meets the requirements of labour market in Kosovo, given the lack of specialized staff in this area.

Students who complete the Bachelor, initially have the opportunity to continue their studies in Master’s level at ISPE College for the same area, namely in European Studies Master’s program, in order to further advance their knowledge.

Graduates will have employment opportunities in all institutions, both public and private, not only in Kosovo but also in the region or beyond.

Volume and duration of study

Integrated Programme for European Studies lasts 3 years, i.e. a total of six semesters.

Years of studies – 3 years

Semesters – 6 semesters

Credits – 1 semester = 30 ECTS

Total – 180 ECTS