Job vacancy announcement for Full Time Academic Staff

The ISPE College based on the Article 20(12) of the Statute announce this job vacancy for full time academic staff for the following academic programs:

– Law

– Economic

– Political Science

– European Integrated Studies

– Security Studies

– Computer Science

– Psicology

– Journalism

Position/title: full time academic staff

Numer of positions: 10

Place of work: the ISPE College, Pristina

Application deadline: 21.02.2018

Duties and Responsibilities:

– Lecture in their field of competence / specialization;

– Conduct other duties as provided by the statute and rules of internal functioning of the ISPE College for regular academic staff.

Requirements / Professional Qualifications:

– Scientific title:  Doctor of Science (PhD)

– Organizational and planning skills;

– Ability for independent work and teamwork;

– Active and ready for taking over responsibilities;

– Maintain and cultivate high quality and professional standards;

– Capable of working professionally and with high integrity.


This job vacancy announcement remains open until 21.02.2018

All the interested candidates should submit the following documents to the address below:

  • CV;
  • Diploma of qualification;
  • Other documents on relevant qualifications, academic awards, scientific publications etc,

For more information please contact:

Kolegji ISPE                                         +381 (0) 38 221 744

Rr. Adrian Krasniqi, Nr.9                     +377 (0) 44 674 566

Prishtinë 10000.,

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