About us

ISPE College was established in 2009, in order to help the transition process and the EU integration process of the Republic of Kosovo.

ISPE College was established in 2009, in order to help the transition process and the EU integration process of the Republic of Kosovo.

ISPE College is founded on the principles of genuine human values, provision of equal opportunities without discrimination in education, academic excellence and quality education. Pillars on which the mission of the College ISPE is built are: professional academic programs, qualified academic and administrative staff, selected local and international literature, special programs and lectures, intensive courses and collaborations with most eminent world universities. ISPE College offers a wide range of contemporary studies and is committed to the preservation and cultivation of European standards of excellence in all academic programs accredited and recognized by the Kosovo Accreditation Agency.


The primary mission of ISPE College is to be a leading university in the region with the highest quality in accordance with international and European standards. This mission is accompanied by goals to prepare new generations to be responsible, creative, modern and independent in their professions, to be able to face global challenges of the XXI century, subsequently contributing to the development the region and the international community. ISPE College has also signed agreements and memorandums of cooperation with the  and is a member of various prestigious associations in the higher education sector worldwide. ISPE College has a large number of international staff, , the University of Heidelberg. These together with local staff aim to achieve a better performance of this institution of higher education

Goals & Purpose

Under the policies defined,in full accordance with the overall mission of Higher Education in Kosovo, as well as the Bologna Declaration, ISPE College provides comparable studies, compatible  and coherent with the  European educational institutions.

ISPE College aims:

  • to provide academic quality  services;
  • have specialized academic staff for the correct implementation of of curriculum;
  • establish cooperation relations with universities or institutions of higher education in Kosovo and abroad with mutual interests in terms of exchange of students, academic staff and curriculum, and provide the best possible conditions to facilitate the work study of student learning
  • raise and produce capacities in Kosovo society who would be willing and able to access the labor market.